Category Archives: children

zach | mankato children’s photographer

Mr. Zach came back to the studio for his TWO year pictures, two already! And SO much adorable hair, I loved it! Zach kept us pretty busy, okay, very busy, during his session, but I never mind, I consider it my workout for the day :) Happy TWO Zach!

olsen | mankato baby photographer

This is only 2/3 of the adorable kiddos in this family, but my oh my, those eyes on that baby boy and the sweet expressions of that little girl. SO cute. This was supposed to be a mini session, but, you know me, I can’t cull down to the promised amount to save my soul....

claire | mankato child photographer

I have the cutest nieces. Hands down. This is sweet little Claire, 18 months already! She was so adorable and gave me so many expressions during her session! We could have ‘played’ for hours but her mama had to go pick up big sister. So fun, love you Claire!